Garden Chair Cushions Tiny Red Bugs On Patio Furniture?

Tiny Red Bugs on Patio Furniture? - garden chair cushions

So don `t in all our plants for the garden or patio table where you eat barbecue. They are only in our armchairs (the metal is covered with cushions on them). I'm not sure if they want to bite but do not sit on the chairs, because I'm not too different from animals to me. I have tried spraying the President of our tubes, but were back on the next day. Is there a way to get rid of them forever?


Mark S said...

I just think it might be mites. If I remember to bite, but their mouthparts are not harmful to human skin. They feed on coniferous trees / plants and can cause serious damage if the infestation is bad. You may need to spray as some conifers, and the deck area well. Try a weak solution of the first application (to harm only to prevent birds and other animals), namely through a nebulizer, you can rent (or rent a respirator). One day, cold night with little wind is ideal.

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