Vegetable Laxative Planning On Taking A Vegetable Laxative After Work Today - When Should I Expect Relief?

Planning on taking a vegetable laxative after work today - when should I expect relief? - vegetable laxative

I know I am covered. If I were the last two weeks bit - like almost everything. I do a good cleaning of my system. I plan 2 herbal laxatives after work today by 5 When should I expect relief?

Thank you.


nimabine said...

Bulk-producing agents

* Website of activity: small and large intestine
* Response time: 12 to 72 hours
* Examples: Psyllium Husk (Metamucil), methylcellulose (Citrucel), polycarbophil, dietary fiber, apples, broccoli

Even as a propellant or feed is known, it is the fiber. Bulk manufacturing representatives causing the stool to be bulkier and retain more water and the formation of a gel smoothly move forward on this issue facilitates peristalsis. Must be taken with water. Bulk production agents have the gentlest of the effects of laxatives and can only be made to keep a regular bowel movement.

Stuhlweichmachern / surfactants

* Website of activity: small and large intestine
* Response time: 12 to 72 hours
* Examples: docusate (Colace, Diocto)

The water will cause fat to the chair, the move to penetrate more easily. Many of these products quickly, a tolerance effect and are ineffective after prolonged use. Their strength is that between the bulk-APBauer and stimulants, and can be used with occasional constipation or those for patients with ano-rectal problems, for which the place of a chair painful now.

Lubricants / emollients

* Website of Action: Colon
* Response Time: 6 to 8 hours

They are simply the slippery chair that glides through the intestine more easily. An example is the fuel tax, which also retards colonic absorption of water, softening the stool. Mineral oil may decrease the absorption of fat soluble vitamins and some minerals.

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