Wholesale Florist Good Wholesale Florist In Tampa Bay Florida?

Good Wholesale Florist in Tampa Bay Florida? - wholesale florist

I am looking for a wholesale florist in Tampa Bay or Florida. Preferably, in Pinellas. Someone to sell to the fresh flowers in large quantities.

Thank you in advance.


bigheadb... said...

Here is one that is in the area ... GREATER MIDDLESEX florist, 813-662-9539.

Lorrie said...

You can fresh flowers in bulk, which was Saturday at the Farmers Market Ybor City (Freedom), a bridesmaid at a wedding of my friends in November 2000 (she is from Puerto Rico, so that's how his family was always going to be much fresh flowers).

I say this because I can honestly recommend, and I live in Tampa, why not try http://www.clearwaterfarmersmarket.com/
My friend lives in the Clearwater market (the farmer) is the center of the post and I can try, since our weddng be there. Vendors sell fresh flowers, you have to Abel, negotiate a price for depression pre-order in large quantities. They live for such things, and try more than one vendor if you can not get enough.

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